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Maximizing Energy Efficiency: Tips for Sustainable Commercial Building Design

Commercial buildings serve as significant energy consumers in urban environments, powering essential operations like lighting, heating, ventilation, and computing systems.

multifamily buildings with multifamily roofing

Beyond Aesthetics: Combining Design and Functionality in Commercial Roofing

Many commercial property owners make the initial mistake of prioritizing aesthetics when

hurricane that can cause storm damage repair

How Does Portfolio Risk Analysis Help Commercial Buildings Owners During Hurricane Season

As the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season looms, beginning on June 1st, property portfolio owners must gear up for what's projected to be a particularly

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satelite image of hurricane that causes buildings to need storm damage restoration

Start of Storm Season 2024: What to Expect This Year

As forecasts point to a tumultuous year in the tropics, all signs indicate that the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season could rival previous record-setting

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space getting commercial restoration services

The Power of Collaboration: How BlueTeam Works with Property Owners and Operators to Achieve

In the event of a natural disaster or the imperative to upgrade building structures, commercial properties often find

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flooded stairs in need of water damage restoration

Flood Resilience for Commercial Properties: Strategies for Minimizing Issues After Water Damage

Despite the meticulous preparation many commercial buildings undergo to brace themselves for disasters, the harsh reality

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glass commercial building in need of a property improvement plan

Revitalizing Aging Infrastructure: Breathing New Life into Commercial Properties

Commercial property owners constantly face the challenge of keeping their buildings competitive and up-to-date. But behind

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firefighters putting off a fire before commercial fire damage restoration

Mitigating Fire Risks in Commercial Buildings: Fire Prevention Strategies

The repercussions of fire damage on commercial properties are profound and multifaceted, spanning extensive

building undergoing hospitality renovation

Avoiding Project Delays During a Commercial Hospitality Renovation

Whether you own hotels, hospitals, offices, or senior care facilities, the condition and appeal of your commercial

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professionals installing a commercial roofing in florida

How to Prevent Common Roofing Problems in Your Commercial Building

Regardless of the initial quality of a commercial roof, it cannot defy the passage of time and the unforgiving impact of

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commercial roof after commercial water damage restoration

The Consequences of Delaying Important Updates for Your Commercial Building

In the fast-paced world of commercial real estate, where the challenges and opportunities are ever-evolving, it's all too

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building with commercial roofing in texas

The Dangers of Ice Dams on Your Roof and How to Prevent Them

Throughout the winter season, a silent threat to the structural integrity of commercial properties arises in the form of

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shingles replacing commercial metal roofing

Commercial Roofing Materials Comparison: Choosing the Best Option for Your Building

When you think about your commercial building, the roof might not be the first structural component that comes to mind.

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white damaged roof in need of water damage restoration

Post-Disaster Restoration: Streamlining the Recovery Process for Commercial Properties

In the aftermath of a disaster, commercial property owners often face a daunting challenge — restoring their buildings to

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white commercial roofing

Safeguarding Your Investment: The Importance of Regular Commercial Roof Inspections

Commercial roofing serves as your first line of defense against the elements. From torrential rains and harsh sunlight to

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room during commercial restoration services

Commercial Restoration Mistakes to Avoid: Insights from BlueTeam’s Experience

Commercial properties are the lifeblood of our economy, serving as hubs for senior care, offices, hospitality, and more.

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building in flames needing business fire damage restoration

Fire Damage Restoration for Businesses: Best Practices for Effective Planning, Mitigation, and

In a world where unforeseen disasters can disrupt businesses, fire damage is a significant threat. It goes beyond immediate

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commercial roofing in florida made of metal

Commercial Roofing in Storm Regions including Florida & Texas: Challenges and Opportunities for

Quality roofing in storm-prone regions ensures the durability and longevity of commercial

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expert performing multifamily facility restoration in ceiling

Maximizing the Value of Multifamily Facility Restoration Services: A Guide to Choosing the Right

Maintaining the aesthetics and structural integrity of multifamily buildings is a paramount concern for commercial property

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wall affected by commercial water damage

The Consequences of Commercial Water Damage: Understanding the Threats to Your Building, Business,

Among the threats that commercial properties face, fires, security breaches, and economic downturns often steal the show.

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Building getting commercial restoration services

Commercial Restoration Services: The Benefits of Working with a Professional Team for Your Building

Maintaining the integrity and functionality of commercial buildings is of utmost importance for property owners. Without

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Multifamily facility after restoration

The Importance of Multifamily Facility Restoration: Protecting Your Investment and Enhancing

For commercial property owners with large portfolios, the significance of restoring multifamily facilities cannot be

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commercial metal roofing

Choosing the Right Commercial Metal Roofing System: A Guide to Material Options, Design Factors, and

Choosing the right commercial metal roofing system is a critical decision that impacts the

expert performing commercial mold remediation (1)

Commercial Mold Remediation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Protecting Your Building, Its Occupants, and

Unseen and insidious, mold can wreak havoc on your building's structure and jeopardize

roof being installed during a multifamily roofing project

Optimizing the Value of Multifamily Roofing Investments: A Guide to Maintenance, Repair, and

A well-maintained roof is not just a protective shield for a property but a valuable asset that can significantly enhance

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Roof in need of water damage restoration in texas

The Impact of Severe Weather on Texas Properties: Understanding the Risks and How to Prepare for

Texas, known for its size and diverse geography, is no stranger to severe weather events. From powerful hurricanes along

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man installing commercial roofing

The Importance of Regular Commercial Roof Maintenance: Strategies for Maximizing the Life and

The roof of a commercial building is a critical component that requires proper maintenance and care. Neglecting the upkeep

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Professional assessing mold during mold remediation in Georgia

Mold Remediation in Georgia: Understanding the Health Risks and Why Professional Mold Remediation Is

Mold is a fungus that spreads mostly in damp environments and can grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours. When mold spores

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commercial contractors making a building

Hiring the Right Commercial Contractor: What to Look for and How to Ensure a Successful Project

Selecting the right commercial contractor can be critical to success when embarking on a commercial construction project.

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commercial roofing expert in texas installing a roof

The Challenges and Opportunities of Commercial Roofing in Texas: A Guide for Building Owners and

The importance of commercial roofing should not be overstated, especially in Texas, where weather conditions can be extreme

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mold forming next to a window in need of commercial mold removal

The Importance of Professional Commercial Mold Removal: Protecting Your Building and Its Occupants 

A well-constructed building is durable enough to

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damaged and leaking roof in need of water damage restoration

The Dangers of Delaying Water Damage Restoration

Commercial properties are as vulnerable to flood and water damage as residential properties. Flooding can be a nightmare

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destroyed building in need of storm damage restoration

What Commercial Property Owners Should Know About Storm Damage

Hurricanes can cause considerable damage to any building due to high winds, heavy rain, and the storm surge that follows.

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Commercial Roof Coating on building

Most Asked Questions About Commercial Roof Coating

Roofs are built to withstand sun exposure, storms, and environmental fluctuations. Although most people may not realize the

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flooded office needing storm damage repair

What Commercial Property Owners Should Do Before and After a Storm Hits 

While people experience many types of natural disasters, storms are among the most common. These could bring heavy rains

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commercial building on fire in need of commercial fire damage restoration

Most Common Fire Safety Mistakes in Commercial Properties

Fires can have devastating effects on commercial properties. In addition to causing personal injury to occupants, these

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corridor under construction during a capital improvement project

From Concept to Completion: Understanding the Construction Phase of Your Capital Improvement Project

For large portfolio operators and commercial property multi-building managers, capital improvement projects are vital in

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commercial building made by commercial contractors

Choosing the Right Contractor for a Large Property Portfolio

If you are a property owner or manager with a large portfolio, finding the right commercial contractors is essential for

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commercial building getting hospitality renovation

Managing Commercial Construction Projects: Best Practices for Effective Communication and

From hotels to restaurants, commercial buildings

interior restoration expert fixing a wall

Critical Areas Affected by an Interior Restoration Project

Interior restoration is necessary when a fire, flooding, or severe weather wreaks havoc on an agricultural, institutional,

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hotel employee giving a room key to a client after a hospitality renovation project

Hospitality Renovation Tips for Hoteliers

Hotel owners strive to keep their properties in excellent condition to remain competitive.  However, since not all

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man handling commercial roof leak repair

Common Commercial Roof Issues and How to Prevent Them

Your roofing sys

Alert to Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

What You Should Do After a Commercial Fire

Nobody wants to think about the possibility of a commercial fire – let alone commercial fire damage restoration. However,

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Commercial Property Improvement Plan

Understanding Hotel Property Improvement Plans

Hoteliers understand the importance of refreshing their brand, following new trends, and

Fire Before Business Fire Damage Restoration

Top Questions Asked About Business Fires

Firefighters do an excellent job of saving lives and preventing fires from spreading throughout buildings and nearby

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Emergency Commercial Restoration illustration

What You Should Know About Water Damage in Commercial Buildings

Water is a destructive element that potentially causes extensive and expensive damage to even the most well-built

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Hospitality Renovation Contractors

Signs Your Hotel Is Overdue for Renovation 

If you’re

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water damage restoration florida

Common Risks of Water Damage

A major

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fire causing damage requiring restoration

The Dos and Don’ts of Dealing with Fire Damage

Having property

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BlueTeam acquires Sendero Restoration Services

BlueTeam Acquires Sendero Restoration Services

BlueTeam Expands First-Rate Service Reach with the Acquisition of Sendero Restoration Services

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2021 Tornado Season

The 2021 Tornado Season May Be More Destructive Due to La Niña

If you didn’t know already, we are in a La Niña year, which typically means winter temperatures are warmer than normal in the South and cooler than

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Feature_7 Tech Construction Image2

7 Technologies Impacting the Future of Construction

The digital landscape is changing at an ever-increasing speed. According to

COVID reshaping construction design

How COVID-19 is Reshaping Office, Hotel and Multifamily Construction

The onset of COVID-19 caused an immediate halt to business operations across multiple industries. The worldwide pandemic nearly decimated some

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Ice dams explained

What are Ice Dams and How to Eliminate Them

Icicles and ice dams may be pretty to look at, but they can create issues for your commercial building, whether a hotel, senior living facility,

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Business Tips for Reopening Your Business

4 Tips for Safely Reopening Your Business

As the number of COVID-19 cases are rising daily in the United States, safety concerns may be heightened as people begin to re-enter facilities.

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How to Save Money by Extending Roof Longevity

How to Save Money by Extending Roof Longevity

Unplanned commercial roof replacements can not only be a costly endeavor but a disruption to business.

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8 Critical Steps to take Before the Storm Strikes

8 Critical Steps to Take Before the Storm Strikes

Last week, federal forecasters announced that the ocean-atmosphere climate interaction, El Niño is not likely to form this year. El Nino tends to

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New BlueTeam logo

BlueTeam Brand Launch

BBMK Contracting and Blue Team Restoration Relaunch as BlueTeam

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Flood-Resistant Landscaping: Commercial Buildings

Landscaping Commercial Buildings to Reduce Storm-time Flooding

As the number one natural disaster in the United States, flooding can take place with little to no warning, reminding us how important it is to be

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business tips: hurricane preparedness

Business Tips: Hurricane Preparedness

Each year the Storm season seems to start earlier and end later.  BlueTeam reminds you that hurricane season is imminent, and it is never too early

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inspection checklist

Inspection Checklist: Reopening Your Business

With many states in the process of reopening, businesses large and small have begun taking tentative steps to reopen stores, offices, and factories

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hail storms

Weathering Hail Storms With Commercial Buildings

Hail storm damage is a significant risk to properties across the US. Every year businesses are pelted by hailstorms that devastate commercial roofs,

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tornado preparedness: commercial buildings (cropped)

Tornado Preparedness for Commercial Properties

5 Steps to Prepare Your Business for a Tornado

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EOY 2018 Winner

Bryan Meklir Wins EY Entrepreneur of the Year® 2018

EY announces Bryan Meklir of BlueTeam named Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 Award winner in Florida

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