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2024 Hurricane Preparedness Guide

Understanding the Impact of Storm Season on Commercial Properties.

BlueTeam’s storm season guide provides effective preparation and mitigation strategies for commercial property owners and operators. The number of severe tropical storms and hurricanes is increasing, and businesses in coastal areas are especially susceptible to their effects. While it may not be possible to prevent the occurrence of a hurricane, there are measures you can take to protect your business.

Hurricane Season Preparation

Contact List


Keep an updated employee contact list.
This is especially important if you have employees around the country. Create an emergency communication plan that sends periodic notifications to your team.

Alternative Worksite


Establish alternative work sites or remote work options for your employees.

Backup Data


Before a storm hits, back up your data on-premises, at a remote site, and in the cloud.

Employee Responsibilities


Assign your employees roles and responsibilities for storm preparedness and response.

Necessary Supplies


Prepare a list of supplies that will be necessary for on-site employees (nonperishable food, first-aid kits, radios, flashlights, etc.).

Supplier Communications


Address how you’ll communicate with suppliers to account for business interruptions and potential delays.

As The Storm Approaches

BlueTeam Contact


Make sure to let your BlueTeam Account manager know how you’d like to be contacted. Provide multiple points of contact.

Stay informed


Keep local radio or TV stations on for new information. Follow trustworthy weather services such as NOAA or

Go through your shutdown checklist


Store all outdoor furniture, projectiles, and other objects that can obstruct property access or cause damage. Make sure all fire extinguishers are accessible and up to date. Unplug all small electronic devices and devices with potential surge risks.

Evacuation Prep


Prepare a to-go pack and learn evacuation routes in your area. Make sure your staff is also provided with these routes.



Understand your essentials and that you must be prepared to lead your business if an event occurs; that means have your life in order, your home protected, and your personal items secured. If the storm consumes your assets, you cannot manage the tasks at hand.

Hurricane Prep Checklist - Before

  • Protect and duplicate vital records, including your insurance policies
  • Review your insurance policies to ensure you understand what is and isn’t covered
  • Take photos or videos to document the interior/exterior of the building for insurance purposes
  • Update your employees’ emergency contact information regularly
  • Identify an alternate business site and create a relocation plan
  • Back up all data on remote servers and in the cloud
  • Determine safe evacuation routes as well as alternative routes
  • Ensure all roof-mounted equipment is strapped or anchored to the roof deck support
  • Create an emergency kit with essentials like food, water, blankets, flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit.
  • Install windstorm shutters over windows and doors
  • Perform maintenance and test the fire suppression system – ensure water is not present in dry system
  • Replenish your supply of water, nonperishable food, batteries, cleaning supplies, and first-aid kit
  • Have cash on hand since banks may not be open after the hurricane
  • Test any emergency generators
  • Check the condition of exterior doors and windows, and seal any gaps to prevent drafts.
  • Conduct regular drills in order to prepare employees for what to do during a hurricane
  • Turn off the natural gas supply

Hurricane Prep Checklist - During

  • Move personnel to safe locations
  • Secure all windows, doors, and outdoor objects/equipment
  • Communicate with employees and encourage them to take necessary precautions
  • Stop all work 12 hours before impact
  • Activate two-way communication channels with employees
  • Monitor any equipment that must remain online
  • Turn off electrical switches during power failure
  • Give employees plenty of time to relocate
  • Have an emergency kit on you
  • Pay attention to emergency alerts

Hurricane Prep Checklist - After

  • Listen to local media and authorities to make sure the storm has passed
  • Do not enter the building until the area is declared safe
  • Make sure your staff, and guests/residents are safe
  • Do not enter flooded rooms within the building, especially basements, because of electrical risk
  • Check your surroundings
  • Is there rising water?
  • Do you have power to the property?
  • Do your communication devices work properly?
  • Are there downed power lines?
  • Call your emergency response provider to reduce downtime